Thursday, 12 August 2010

Song of the Moment: The Pretty Reckless - Miss Nothing

I really want to dislike lead singer of The Pretty Reckless, Taylor Momsen (you may recognise her from 'Gossip Girl', she's the one who wears so much eye make-up that she's starting to resemble a raccoon) - she comes across like a complete idiot in interviews, never having anything interesting to say, she makes up ridiculous things like she "once fucked a priest - I'm kidding".  Eurgh.

However, not only was she chosen by Madonna herself to model her teenage clothing line 'Material Girl', but she also makes pretty decent music.  The Pretty Reckless' sound is heavy rock with pop hooks - something that Avril Lavigne should have done after her second album, instead of releasing complete shit like 'Girlfriend', but I digress - and with Momsen doing a better Courtney Love impression that Courtney Love herself does these days, they've got the potential to go far and launch Taylor as a credible female lead singer.

This 'Song of the Moment' is called 'Miss Nothing' and it's the best of what I've heard of The Pretty Reckless so far; Momsen's charismatic, raspy vocals belting out super-catchy pop melodies set to heavy rock guitars.  It's not normally my cup of tea but it's hard to ignore when done this well - enjoy the track and video for 'Miss Nothing' below.

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