Sunday 4 July 2010

under rated - grease 2

i do believe that you can tell a lot about a person depending on whether they are a grease 1 or 2 fan.

there's no doubt that grease set in place the foundations for teen musicals - Zac Efron is just the new John Travolta! but it was iconic because it was a manifestation of what we all wanted to, sexy, in a gang......own an endless supply of gum etc.

aside form the totally unnecessary flying car at the end the only thing i'll say for grease 1 is that it had a better storyline - what lifts grease 2 head and quiff above however is its flamboyant and theatrical soundtrack.
michelle pfeiffers turn as the popular by day, grease monkey on the weekends girl is no doubt a role she'd rather forget - but who doesn't love songs like 'score tonight' and 'reproduction' how could the you not be endeared to this 1982 bubblegum pop cult classic? no film is without it's faults, point in fact max caulfields awful english accent despite actually being english!! and then of course there are the god awful filler tracks like 'girl for all seasons' which made me want to hit rewind on my vcr (that's the old box like thing that we had before dvd players) just so I could watch michelle climb the ladder again as she busted some sexy hip moves while singing cool rider!
the only thing i really missed from the original film was rizzo.....but that's largely due to the fact that i used to have a crush on her, and truth be told that's never really gone away. older women are sexy, tarty girls are fun (although they never make it home to meet mum) and some people just look super fine in tight black shirts and a pink jacket.
If you've never watched grease 2 or you did but it was years ago and you thought it was bloody awful - well then i urge you to give it another chance, tell me the songs didn't pull you in and make you want to be an extra on high school musical 13! .....yeah i didn't think so

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